CREATING THE DYNAMIC CLASSROOM: 5 Must-Haves for Teachers, 4th Edition, 2020, is a SERIES of 5 ebooks or paperbacks along with accompanying downloadable, FREE resources (upon purchase). This edition is a comprehensive, practical, and important support for pre-service, in-service, and graduate teacher education courses, as well as for new and experienced teachers and teacher leaders, consultants, mentors, and school administrators. Parents will also find this book useful in providing them with a clearer understanding and appreciation of today’s classrooms.
This 4th edition includes:
  • Use of engaging instructional strategies and differentiated instruction
  • A focus on equity, diversity, and social justice
  • Suggestions for working with younger and older students
  • The use of digital literacy as essential for modern learning with practical examples of how to integrate technology into classroom programs
  • The value of parents as partners
This resource includes the following features:
  • A clear organization of the content into 5 BOOKS (ebooks or paperbacks) with the purpose of making the text more readily accessible
  • An easy-to-use handbook or guidebook format – each BOOK begins with an introduction, followed by practical strategies presented with subheadings and in point-form, with many hands-on activities and classroom-ready practical suggestions, charts, teacher and student worksheets and sample tasks, and/or photos
  • A positive and concise writing style
  • Learning Objectives at the beginning of each of the 5 BOOKS
  • A PAUSE section at the end of each of the 5 BOOKS, which presents questions about the content in that book – to spark reflection and professional dialogue about educational issues
  • FURTHER RESOURCES throughout each BOOK highlighting professional references and weblinks to encourage further reading, reflecting, and understanding
  • APPENDIX A: Recommended Teachers' Resources in each BOOK – highlighting a list of favourite titles that will further support professional development.
  • APPENDIX B: Children's Literature in each BOOK – sharing a list of our favourite children’s literature titles that are effective for teaching
  • Accompanying Downloadable FREE Resources (upon purchase) including:
    • LINE MASTERS (LMs) presented as Word documents which can be modified to meet needs
    • PowerPoint presentation files for teacher pre-service, in-service, and graduate course instructors, as well as for educational leaders, mentors, and/or school administrators
    • Sample Teacher Education assignments (Word documents) for teacher education courses